Humeurs, LGBT, geek, ... un peu de moi en somme.

10 things you want to get better at


  1. Penser à moi d’abord. Faire passer mes intérêts avant ceux des autres. Parce que je prends beaucoup trop de décisions rationnelles ou sans prendre en compte ce qui serait bon pour moi avant ce que les autres voudraient
  2. Dire non
  3. Arrêter de suranalyser, suranticiper
  4. Prioriser mes taches et arriver à m’y tenir
  5. Maintenir des relations avec les gens sur la durée
  6. Savoir ce que je veux faire, ou je veux aller, plutôt que de me laisser porter par les choses
  7. Exprimer ce que je ressens plutôt que de laisser les autres deviner par eux même et leur en vouloir de pas me comprendre
  8. Moins papillonner 😁 Oh un papillon 🦋
  9. Explorer plus les trucs qui me branchent (pas que sexuellement hein)
  10. Avoir des activités en dehors de mon couple

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10 ways to stay on budget for one month


  1. Cuisiner des repas soit même le soir, pour les repas du soir ET du midi. Suffit d’amener sa gamelle au bureau
  2. Faire les courses dans un discounter et pas dans un supermarché fancy fancy
  3. Supprimer les abonnements aux services superflus ce mois ci
  4. Faire quelques jobs en freelance
  5. Vendre sur Vinted ce que tu ne portes plus, même si c’est pas beaucoup d’argent ca désencombrera ton dressing
  6. Ne pas s’acheter des cafés à emporter mais se faire un café dans un thermos le matin.
  7. Repasser au café filtre. Ca permet de faire des thermos d’un litre pour toute la journée.
  8. Ne pas acheter ses produits d’hygiène chez Lush
  9. Se faire payer des coups et des restos plutôt que de payer soit même
  10. Ne pas financer un énièmes kickstarter

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10 things you’re scared of


A première vue on pourrait penser que ce challenge est super simple, 10 trucs qui font flipper. Mais en fait ca nous amène à nous poser des questions un peu plus profonde que cela … De quoi anis je vraiment peur ? Qu’est ce qui m’intimide ? Me terrifie ?

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10 TV or movie characters that you relative with the most


  1. The friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man. Because he got like nice power but always trapped into the imposter syndrome
  2. Hermione Granger, because I’m always right. Especially with José 😁
  3. Gorge Clooney in Up in the air. The feeling of not having a home of myself when I’m travelling a lot. Or that everywhere is kinda my home. And also because of his total Inability to bound to other people because he’s too scared of what can happen.
  4. Tales of the city: I think the millennial black guy 30 something. Because he’s in a relationship with some older Daddy which had some issues to express his feeling and talk about his history while HE his pretty open to speaking about all of this
  5. What / IF : the protagonist. She’s definitely me. Being overthinking about her relationship, inflencable but also getting her way at some point and find how to navigate the world of venture capitalism and all the drama. Also, choosing to just overcome some very traumatic events by saying “it’s over now” and move on.
  6. East siders: I think I’m the guy in the relationship which has the rich family and is just completely fucked up in his mind and agree to open relationship even if he’s not confortable with this and always say ok to his bf even if it’s terrible idea. Then not even say “I told you so” (but totally own the right to do so)
  7. House of cards: Well that’s an easy one, Claire Underwood. Because, Robin Wright first, then because she’s the kind, honest but also cold one. It’s not how she was. But people and context made her like this. But that’s not removing who she is deep inside and she struggle to stick to her values while playing the game she has to play.
  8. Special: IDK why but I kinda relate to the protagonist. Even if I don’t have any mental health condition, I think we, as gay men, all relate to that if we didn’t have a trauma in our coming out. Having a mother that don’t want to let you fly of your own, finding a flat, then being able to make new experiments and navigate through this hard world… kinda my gay teens years.
  9. Osmosis: Could be Billie for being the only one who seems to really care to people, or Joséphine for wanting to escape a fucking toxic relationship (I mean, your BF create a system that let you be always connected to another one AND have a control to locate you at any moment. Suuuuuuure so healthy)
  10. Theodore from HER. OMG this movie. It’s everything. I’m fucking crying each time I’m watching it. And I 100% identify myself to him. Like … could have been me if I was straight … for real.

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10 places you want to visit and why


  1. Grand Canyon : because of the magnificent of the place, the glass ring, the view …
  2. Venise : Even if I went for one day, I want to have more time to enjoy the city and also have like my hotel in the city 😁
  3. Copenhagen : Because northern countries rules. Also, the Scandinavian design and lifestyle
  4. London : ‘cause I never went even if it’s so close to us geographically
  5. Ireland for the view and the landscape mostly. I could fancy a road trip there
  6. Apple new HQ
  7. Google campus in Palo Alto
  8. Mexico City, because it seems so vibrant, and a dear friend of mine is living here, it would be nice to come and say hi!
  9. Greece. Probably Athen because of the rich history of the city but I think I could enjoy also a trip to the islands like Santorini
  10. Toronto / Montreal would be awesome to visit

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Pride Pool party

party and event

Alors qu’on prépare tranquillement la soirée de cloture de la pride avec le collectif We Are Family, on a été faire un tour avec toute la bande pour découvrir le Red Sauna à Uckange afin de faire le repérage pour la Pool Party qu’on organise le lendemain, dimanche 14. Les tickets sont en vente en ligne, on a même organisé un service de bus 😜.

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